
for booking

How to

Booking the accommodation you prefer is simple:

  • Go to "Book", choose your accommodation, and send an email to the address with the receipt from your booking
  • You will receive a booking form sent to your email
  • Simply fill out the form and send it back!
  • All done

Once we have received the payment your booking is confirmed and ready to go! First come, first serve.


By paying your booking fee, the booking for the season is complete. Thereafter, smaller changes can be made subject to availability.

When booking an apartment or one or more beds in one of the accommodations you will agree to the terms of service, i.e. when you submit the payment it also means you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions in the agreement. 

In short, it states:

  • Smoking indoors is strictly prohibited. 
  • In case something breaks the person or people responsible will be obligated to replace it.
  • Costs to repair damage to the property will be drawn off all residents' deposits unless it can be pinpointed.
  • Excessive wear and tear will be covered by the deposit. 
  • Rents cannot be altered

For everyone's comfort, help each other maintain everything in its original shape during the season. If patterns of misconduct arise contact us sooner rather than later, such that we can do something about it in time. Assign cleaning schedules if necessary (has shown helpful in the past). Common knowledge of using washers and dryers, handling waste, what and what not to flush down different pipes is expected.

You'll find the finer details in the agreement document.

Remember! If all points in the agreement are followed, your entire deposit will be returned to you and all will be well!